The Problem of Binding Beliefs to Feelings

A choir sang in church. Beautiful harmonies resonated deep in the chest of the child who grew into the one writing this. I connected the feeling with the thought – Wonderful, God and the church are like this. The deep emotion had little or nothing to do with my conclusions. The music would have affected me if the singers had been in the lounge of a brothel. Though, very likely, the latter would be less pretentious. Songs can evoke tremendous feeling. But notice singing evokes angst, on the lips of a talent-less person.

I heard a love song a-cappella by a jazz choir. It moved me to tearful delight. That experience had scarcely anything to do with the jazz festival surroundings. The faith of Tomaso Albinoni doesn’t matter. Hearing his Adagio, my heart, adrift on a breaking wave of melody – heaves. Beauty has little to do with belief; whether art or a beautiful sunset, the meaning arises in the observer.  The desire to possess beauty, when achieved, often reveals a difference between imagination and reality. Why confuse love of beauty with beauty being loving (or anything else.)

Similarly cherished beliefs can be associations between feelings and events. This makes us vulnerable. Emotion can deceptively distort present circumstances. Bernie Madoff, the notorious ponzi schemer, lulled victims into confidence with opulence, (undeserved) reputation and pictures of himself with celebrities.

Have you ever witnessed an innocent blamed? Then only to have the truth quickly revealed. If so you understand the meaning of delusion. Thoughts about events are mistaken for facts. An explanation suffices to impugn another – i.e. my wallet is gone. You were present. Therefore, you took my wallet. Real emotion arises with the fiction. Then the forgetful owner finds the billfold in a different pocket. Meaning was added to the wallet episode until the truth was known. But what about emotion like gratitude for a real gain?

One can be taught to tie a knot called bowline. It has countless uses and unties easily. It withstands great stress. Let this knot possessing integrity represent any benefit gained from others. It could be acquired in a religious school or from a drunken bigoted sailor who, by virtue of his profession, will know it. The benefit received shouldn’t give anymore credence to the beliefs of a church than it would the seaman. Acknowledge value without binding ourselves through thankfulness to the errors in our benefactors. Otherwise gratitude can mislead.

I am not speaking about people who do nothing but talk and expect others to give them credence simply because of the vigor of their persuasion. That, too, requires discernment. I am talking about an appropriate response for a boon granted.

Delving into matters of spirituality, the absurdities abound. Take uncommon experiential states as an example. If one doesn’t understand what altered states are, the temptation to be over-impressed can be compelling. I’m familiar with this mistake which includes admiration of those who show the means. I’ll give a blunt definition. Altered states = suspension of habits. Now let’s return to music. Being an enthusiast and modest player, I grasp ways that music affects the body-mind.

Almost every religion uses music to support belief, as has almost every state. In the past the Catholic Church feared and rejected music,[i] believing it stirred dangerous passions in people. When the waltz became popular, brushing aside the minuet, it was the devil’s music.

Martin Luther playing for his friends family.

Astounding to think classical composers have something in common with Ozzy Osbourne. During the Renaissance, people were going to the marketplace to listen to music and see the dancing girls.

The church opted to be diversionary also, in order to attract people. Thus began the choirs and pipe organs and the decorating of dreary churches with artistry. Case in point, Michelangelo’s painting in the Sistine chapel. Art made church more attractive, regardless of the belief. None of the aesthetic changes stopped the religious mass-murder that followed and which occasionally happens today.

A universal language could communicate anything including absurdities and lies. Talented people are tempted to identify themselves egoistically with an ability which leads to distortions or deceptions. When hearing talk of peace through music or its mysterious healing powers, I ask, “How many great talents have lived suffering lives in the midst of their gift?” Music didn’t save Charlie Parker from anguish and death, or cure Beethoven’s deafness. Moreover, artists lease their talent to the world’s most destructive forces. What tyrant’s haven’t been heralded with song? Any

despot, religious fanatic, or unscrupulous corporation with cash can hire musicians. Some players call themselves whores, play any gig that pays and undercut rivals. That sounds like common avarice, which doesn’t seem very lofty.

Exposing ideas like this can make people frown. The belief might be described like, “music feels good, and therefore it is good. Moreover, I play music, therefore I’m good.” This exemplifies a fallacy.[ii] Why not let music be beautiful. Art is debased by insisting it possesses qualities that it doesn’t. Science explores music occasionally, how wonderful. Remarkable things may be discovered to be the case, but skepticism is needed. I can’t imagine a double blind test on the effects of music. If a cancer goes into remission listening to Bach and a similar result happened while gambling would we be tempted to say that rolling dice cured cancer? I think not. Delight in music but remember the capacity to hear or play music dissolves.

See benefits and see the limitations. Emotion can be both anguish and delight but don’t be deceived by it into believing things that are doubtful.

 By Todd Vickers

Content Copyright 2012 © Vickers Publications. All Rights Reserved

[i] Stuart Isacoff – Temperament,  The idea that solved music’s great riddle.

[ii] G.E. Moore –  Prencipia Ethica – The naturalistic fallacy

Low Effort Thinking and Conservative Criticism

If Dr. Eidelman’s study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin  linking conservatives to “Low Effort Thinking” is flawless. Many arguments based on his data amount to personal attacks I.E. conservatives are stupid. Insolence won’t help explain or solve any problem. Conservatism rests on ideals so now lets have a real life metaphor to change our point of view about beliefs.

Ron owns a septic company.  [1] He was called to a job in a gated community to service the system of a corporate executive. The jovial client explained he dug up his own tank to get some exercise apart from his jet set life.

Both men chatted and Ron noticed something, but said nothing. The exec asked, “is that what I think it is?” Ron said “yes”.  It seems a bunch of condoms had been flushed.  The palpable angst suggested that this man and his wife didn’t use condoms. Some weeks passed and Ron received another call and as he pumped a new batch of condoms emerged. The client  offered a wad of cash asking the details be kept secret then got in his car and left a large path of smoking rubber behind him.

Ideas about ourselves and the world can be shattered by facts. The wishful thinking of a rich person can be as delusional as that of a beggar. I refer to viewing life through beliefs  that act like blue lenses making the world look blue. Was the security and comfort of Ron’s client as unreal before the truth emerged as it was after? I think so.

The problem symbolized in the story is mistaking some concept for a fact; confusing the event called idea with what the thought refers too. To clarify – you never eat the thought of a banana.

I am not faulting here the formulas or deduction of conservatives though they may be flawed. I am saying those formulas leave out relevant facts. 2 + 2 = 4 is always rationally true. [2] Yet two rabbits and two other rabbits can be more than four rabbits without adding any. It is useless to say the argument is unfair because it involves change. The basis of the argument references life including the unknown variables that are not accounted for in formulas but can nonetheless change the outcome. I have never considered these objections answered by conservatives.

 “We may say, Karl Popper states, that a green leaf changes when it turns brown; but we do not say the green leaf changes when we substitute for it a brown leaf. It is essential to the idea of change that the thing which changes retains its identity while changing.[3] And yet it must be something else: it was green, and now it becomes brown; it was moist, and now it becomes dry; it was hot, and it becomes cold.

Thus every change is the transition of a thing into something with, in a way, opposite qualities… And yet, while changing, the changing thing must remain identical with itself.” [4]

4 of the same & not the same


There are facts which aren’t accounted for in beliefs (theses) and we can’t know if those variables would falsify our conclusions. When I worked building roofing trusses we followed precise schematics that were created and inspected by a team of engineers [5]. The steel parts I fabricated were accurate up to three hundredths of an inch. Once we were given a scheme that we couldn’t actually build. We kicked the plan back to the designers three times and on each occasion they found no flaw. Finally under time pressure we forced the engineering team to come and show us idiots how to build this marvel, and they failed. No one ever knew why (mistake or anomaly) it happened. They just changed to a different design that worked.

The assertion that conservative ideology equals evidence of lazy thinking will be open to the retort. If we are so dumb why are so many billionaires republican? 1. Refer to septic story above. 2. The credit for the reply that follows belongs to Professor Peter Munz.

 …one would suppose that a false belief will soon secure its own falsification, because people who espouse it will behave so stupidly that they will not survive for long. If the belief in question is, for example, that grain grows when one prays and not when one tends one’s fields, one will suppose that the people who harbor such a belief will soon starve to death. But this supposition is mistaken. The false belief, promotes cooperation and solidarity among the people who are using it as a catechism. Such cooperation will make them into a formidable military power and enable them to take food from the people they conquer…. [they] will suppose that it is their false belief that makes them thrive; for it enables them not only to get all the necessary food, but also to enjoy the pride they derive from their ability to conquer. The false belief… has a very good chance for survival because one of its effects is to shield the people who harbor it from the inexorable consequences.[6]

A bone crushing argument but not so fast, many problems are still not being solved. In fact we are going backwards. The women in Texas now have less access to general health care due to the republican position on abortion.  I think the GOP are also quite mistaken about climate change and so on. Pyrrhic victory in argument solves no problem. We are in this world-boat together. Viewing all knowledge as hypothetical can mitigate these errors yet this method can be trouble for one who desires certainty.

I think we can reason with rank and file conservatives if we use examples that are relevant to them. The perishable nature of our circumstances prompt me, within the limits of my ability, to offer a solution by way describing the mistake and looking at alternatives.

4 Circles = Theory’s. Lines = knowledge. The larger the scope the larger the gaps in knowledge.

Proponents of the free market love their neat formulas and argue against economic stimulus. If they only argued about how the money was spent I would agree with them about many things. One reason for their thesis rests on the idea that taking money from one part of an economic system and simply moving it to another, offers no real gain for the whole. The argument itself shines purely like an icicle droplet in the morning sun. But, the economy is NOT like a box of apples. If we look at complex systems like water, electrical, agricultural or a human body the circumstances are different. These systems can redirect the resources to areas of need. What conservative needing a skin graft or a section of leg artery to supply their heart would chose to forgo the procedure because there was no net gain? That’s absurd.

Distorted thinking shows itself again regarding sex education, birth control and abortion. If teens did not have sex, they wouldn’t need birth control. It seems we can derive from the subject “virgin,” the predicate “not pregnant.” The failures of abstinence only education in conservative states gets excluded from the equation, thus this proposition remains as empty as it is true. [8] Moreover, problems don’t get solved this way. What conservative would deny a need for police by saying, if people didn’t commit crime we wouldn’t need law enforcement. There will be trial and error with policies but if one solution is inferior to another then consider the other better, even if not ideal.

The double standard between public policy and private actions among conservatives never ceases to be a stone in the shoe of liberals. Like Bob Barr the opponent of abortion who paid for the termination of his wife’s pregnancy with a personal check. Proponents of family values also tend to loosen up while traveling, particularly in Vegas. The list could go on, conservatives have been willing to make circumstantial exceptions to their own rules for for their own benefit. But this very self interest could be the key to republicans understanding new ideas. The same concern can be extended to others that one has for oneself. Sure it looks like a sacrifice when one is not the direct beneficiary but we need to look closer. As with  health care for low wage workers, they are handling all our food. We as a society have something to gain by giving them benefits, our own health.

By Todd Vickers

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Content Copyright 2012 © Vickers Publications. All Rights Reserved

Edit: Grammar


[1] Todd Vickers – Excerpted from (provisionally named) The Kabir Project

[2]  G.E. Moore – the identity theory of truth applies to propositions that, unlike “2+2=4,” do seem to require a relation to something outside themselves in order to be true.

[3] It may be argued that Poppers disposition towards Hegelian dialectic is refuted in his own words. I think Popper has accounted for this with his emphasis on situational analysis.

[4] Karl Popper Conjectures and Refutations pp.195

[5] G.E. Moore – Perincipa Ethica pp.155 An engineer is entitled to assert that, if a bridge be built in a certain way, it will probably bear certain loads for a certain time; but he can never be absolutely certain that it has been built in the way required, nor that, even if it has, some accident will not intervene to falsify his prediction.

[6] Peter Munz – Philosophical Darwinism

[7] Bertrand Russell – TheProblemsofPhilosophy “The man who has fed the chicken every day throughout its life at last wrings its neck instead, showing that more refined views as to the uniformity of nature would have been useful to the chicken.”

[8] Mississippi had the highest rate of teen births, at 55 per every 1,000 girls aged 15 to 19, followed by New Mexico at about 53 and Arkansas at 52.5. The best-performing states included New Hampshire at just under 16 per 1,000, Massachusetts at about 17, and Vermont at just under 18.

Progressive Comedy

Criticism, though not exclusively, tends to be progressive because it seeks out errors. Such an attitude favors change if a problem exists.

The laughs we get from The Daily Show are often founded on critical thinking. Political speaking pushes the boundaries of absurdity and the exposé amuses us, an unintended consequence for  public figures no doubt. Rhetoric tailored for the masses can collapse like an over-whipped mule that won’t plow. The laughter shows the understanding of the satirist’s descriptive reasoning.

Entertainers like John Stuart, Stephen Colbert, Lewis Black  and the late George Carlin (to name a few) often show category’s based on political talk and then display the things that would logically fill  that category. The absurdity is often funny. This isn’t attacking people. This is attacking statements.

Logicians, scientists and comedians all expose errors for different reasons. A clearer picture of the facts can result. Even revealing that we don’t know something that we thought we did. This has  value above the the fact that many people are now delighted with laughter from the deduction that can be made out of categorical propositions. John Stuart’s take down of Glen Beck comes to mind.

There is a hunger for clear thinking.  I am happy to see the errors  paraded as truth placed under scrutiny and rejected due to the lack of real content. Though comedy doesn’t make errors less tragic in the face of real harm.  It is a breath of fresh air.

It may seem wishful thinking that from a few sparks of comedic reasoning a flame will erupt and burn down the forest of lies. An age of reason is not likely around the corner so let’s not hold our breath. Still it can’t be denied that the satire of Jonathan Swift and Erasmus were part of a revolution in thought. These writers influenced many like Bertrand Russell and Karl Popper. Popper had a student named George Soros who started the Open Society Foundations.

I am excited to see what might emerge from the new evolution of satire and thought.

By Todd Vickers

Content Copyright 2012 © Vickers Publications. All Rights Reserved

Tips for Students

My experience with education was very sad until community college. I can say that there was no class I couldn’t flunk.  Was it the benal curriculum I rebelled against; the idea of authority? I am not sure. Maybe I just liked to party more than go to class.  Regardless, I did not like school. But what was hidden from me until I was in my 20’s was the fact that I really liked learning.

I would like to pass on some of the simple things that helped me the most. These tips may seem obvious to one who does something similar. If you never learned them they can be the difference between a D and an A. These hints have an equivalent to be used on a computer.

On Taking Notes

One idea or formula per page. Nothing is worse than trying to find a formula that you know you wrote down but it is buried like a needle in a haystack of scribble. 

Write down exactly what the instructor writes on the board.

Write big! If you feel guilty about the paper use then use recycled paper. This is more important if your penmanship sucks. Large letters or numbers equal more clarity.

A different folder for each subject

Sifting through sheet music looking for notes to calculate compounded interest is absurd.

Behold the sticky

Remembering required facts and terms that may be boring can be difficult. Before taking a test I put Post Its up in the bathroom, on the mirror, the refrigerator, coffee table etc. It is a way to memorize without monotony.

On Reading

Don’t be afraid to read more than one book at a time. I picked this up from Thomas Jefferson who built a swiveling book stand so he could read different books. I find reading something technical is complemented with a biography, history, satire or a novel. Currently I am reading four books.

If you don’t understand a paragraph read it again.

Karl Popper - Conjectures & RefutationsHighlight anything that moves you in a book. It could be a reference, quote, or something that triggers your own train of thought.

Again with the Sticky‘s!  Write your thoughts about what you are reading and stick it in the book in the location of the text.  Criticize the book,  if you agree, exemplify why.  If the book inspires you in a completely different subject do not let ideas go down the drain. They will be there as long as you own the book. It can be interesting to see how the material impacts you at one time differently than another.

Go to Class

Duh! That last one took me way too long to learn.

–By Todd Vickers

Content Copyright 2012 © Vickers Publications. All Rights Reserved

Gateway Sexual Activity?

There is a reason to criticize the conservative ideology.

Tennessee lawmakers added language to the state’s abstinence-only sex education curriculum that warns against “gateway sexual activity.” Many have interpreted the phrase to include discouragement of anything that has potential to lead to sex — including kissing, hand-holding and cuddling.

“‘Abstinence’ means from all of these activities, and we want to promote that,” Republican state Sen. Jack Johnson, the bill’s sponsor, told The Tennessean. “What we do want to communicate to the kids is that the best choice is abstinence.”

It seems Sen. Johnson and his supporters just couldn’t learn from abstinence failures in Texas.

How many failures will convince a Social Conservative they are wrong? What do you call the maintenance of a belief in the midst of contrary evidence?

One explanation

When reasoning from a concept the deduction does not begin with facts. That includes ideas of a better world. If such thinking was adapted to facts, only then could we could call it reasonable.

Sex Education = sex – suggests that if you don’t educate then sex wont happen. On what planet?

This is not evil

If the American economy were better, more people would have jobs.
If people did not break laws, we would not need cops.
If there were no religions, there would be no religious wars.
If women did not work, there would be no harassment of women in the workplace.

The appeal of simple solutions, their only fault is they solve no problem.

*Yes 2+2 = 4
Unless variables exists outside the formula. 2 + 2 rabbits can soon be more than 4 rabbits without adding or subtracting any.

Useless to say it’s an unfair example because of change. Unknown and uncontrollable variables are the argument!!!

The problems comprehensive sex education address have not gone away. Putting head-in-sand (or elsewhere) and pretending they don’t exist puts young people at more risk.  The refusal to acknowledge the  miserable failures of these abstinence programs is indicates the support for the programs is dogmatic. In other words unreasonable.

Mississippi had the highest rate of teen births, at 55 per every 1,000 girls aged 15 to 19, followed by New Mexico at about 53 and Arkansas at 52.5. The best-performing states included New Hampshire at just under 16 per 1,000, Massachusetts at about 17, and Vermont at just under 18.

CDC – Teen Pregnancy

By Todd Vickers

Content Copyright 2012 © Vickers Publications. All Rights Reserved

* Karl Popper Argument 2+2=4 (Paraphrased)

A Problem With Religious Sexual Ideals

Criticizing religious ideals that are anti sex is controversial but let’s not kid ourselves. A great deal of guilt has its root in religion.

Dogma pretends an authority to sanction sexuality as moral or immoral. These beliefs are advocated by the leaders regardless of hypocrisy on their own part. In other words these ethics are arbitrary. The idea that any such beliefs are the ticket to legitimacy is absurd!

Many displays of sexuality can be benign though they fall outside of some custom. Any argument suggesting people voluntarily choose the limits of religious sexual ideas is doubtful i.e. women in Arabia. The difference between West and East is ideology and degree of public shaming.

By Todd Vickers

If different kinds of human sexual interaction could be tried on equal footing the individual could choose what was suitable to them. Their tastes would likely change over time. Such sexual freedom is not allowed. Shame for all that is beyond sanction. We have a kind of bonsai pot defined by some group of men. The problem with a bonsai pot is the tree grows old but never grows up.

Rebellion to ideas is not autonomy. The rebel must oppose the rule and the conformist must obey and the coin can flip from one side to the other. In either case the ideal is the governing force not what is wholesome to the individual and their lovers. In this way rebellion and conformity have something in common –> the ideal.

We can adapt to life or to ideas about life but only one of those can we touch.

–By Todd Vickers

Content Copyright 2012 © Vickers Publications. All Rights Reserved